What You Need To Know
There are about 3,000 species of spiders roaming around North America, but only two in the southern and western United States can cause serious harm when disturbed - the black widow and the brown recluse. Knocking down spider webs and reducing their primary food sources (other bugs) is the best practice for keeping spider populations to a minimum. Breda Pest Management technicians will take the time to educate about the important role spiders have in natural "bug control" and what measures should be taken to keep spider population to a minimum. Additionally, we offer a plethora of other services for squashing tiny critters such as ant treatment services and termite removal services.
Types Of Spiders

- Size: 1 ½ - 1 ⅜"
- Black in color with characteristic red "hourglass" on back. Black widow spiders usually construct messy and irregular webs located near ground level. Finding a silken sac - which holds eggs - in the doorway is another sign that a spider infestation is underway. Minimize the risk of being bitten by a black widow spider by reducing clutter in basements and garages, which, in turn, eliminates their hiding spots.

- Size: 1 ½- 2"
- Tan to brown or gray in color vs. black widows, with characteristic red "hourglass" on back. Brown widows produce more eggs and offspring than black widows; the egg sac of a brown widow has tiny spikes all over the surface; a black widow's egg sac is smooth. A brown widow's bite is usually less severe than a black widow bite as they tend to inject less venom.

- Size: 4-6"
- Brown body with long legs made up of seven sections. Technically not spiders or insects, they belong to a class of arachnids called harvestmen. They typically favour wet or otherwise moist habitats, though some are adapted to comparatively dry environments. Daddy longlegs are most common in late summer and are often sighted in fields at crop harvest. Removing clutter inside your house that could provide a nice spot for daddy-long-leg size resting space is the best practice for prevention.

Brown Recluse Spider
- Size: ¼ - ½"
- Light to dark brown in color with characteristic dark brown violin marking on back. Signs of a brown recluse spider infestation mainly include spotting one, or noticing webs in and around the home. Known for its "secretive" behaviors, as it prefers to take residence in warm, dry and dark environments, basements and closets are likely areas. Bites can take three or more hours to develop and about three weeks to heal; venom can cause severe allergic reactions, notably in children, the elderly or those with preexisting medical conditions.

Wolf Spider
- Size: 3/8 - 1 3/8" (female) 1/4 - 3/4" (male)
- Usually dark brown in color, often with paler (or sometimes yellow) stripes or markings. One of the few spiders who do not catch prey in webs, instead they chase with their fast running ability. Over 100 species of wolf spiders are found in the United States and Canada. Indoors, wolf spiders tend to remain at or near floor level, especially along walls and under furniture. Outside, wolf spiders can be found under stones, landscape timbers, firewood, leaves and other debris. Prevention includes the sealing of cracks on the outside of the home and the use of screens on doors and windows.

Orb-Weaver Spider
- Size: 0.23-0.78"
- Variety of colors and patterns including orange, yellow, brown, black and white. Spiral shaped webs and rounded abdomen help to identify. Commonly found in gardens and trees. Non-aggressive spiders that will flee at the first sign of a threat (typically they will run or drop off the web). They are not dangerous to people and pets and are actually quite beneficial because they will catch and eat a lot of pest-type insects, including mosquitoes. These spiders take down their nest each day, which is rare and is the only known spider to do that.
Quick Fact
50% of spiders catch prey in webs whereas the other 50% actively hunt without using webs. All spiders utilize venom in some manner when it comes to their prey.
Spicer Control Reviews on Google
“We used 3 other companies before switching to Breda. They were unable to meet the impeccable customer service, the competence, and the professional service that Breda offers. We now have every service provided by Breda--pest service, wildlife, termites, mosquitoes, voles/moles, wasps/bees, and ants.”
“Caleb and Little Mike came out and accessed the issue and explained the course of treatment to get rid of moles and chipmunks. They were very professional and followed through on their strategy. Once they completed the task, they made sure the area was cleared and clean. Thank you BREDA Pest Management.”
“I have been using Breda for a good bit now and have enjoyed incredible service from day one! Each technician has been 100% professional, and very service minded. I can’t recommend them enough!”
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