a row of houses

Understanding Urban Wildlife: Common Animals Invading Your Home

a cat lying on a wood surface
Urban wildlife can be a surprising and sometimes unsettling part of city living. While we often think of wildlife as residing in forests and rural areas, many animals have adapted to urban environments, finding ample food and shelter in cities. Understanding which animals are likely to invade your home, why they do so, and how to prevent and address these invasions can help you protect your property and maintain a peaceful living space.

Common Urban Wildlife Pests


Raccoons are notorious for their intelligence and dexterity. These nocturnal creatures often rummage through garbage bins and can cause significant damage if they gain access to your attic or basement. They are drawn to urban areas by the promise of easy food and shelter. Signs of raccoon activity include overturned trash cans, footprints, and nighttime noises from the attic.


Squirrels, particularly gray squirrels, are common in urban settings. They can chew through electrical wiring and insulation, posing fire hazards and structural damage. Squirrels often enter homes through roof vents, chimneys, and gaps in the eaves. You might notice nests made of leaves in trees near your home, or hear scratching sounds from your attic.


Bats play a crucial role in controlling insect populations, but they become pests when they roost in your attic. Bats can enter through very small openings, and their droppings (guano) can accumulate and pose health risks. Common signs of a bat infestation include squeaking noises, guano accumulation, and sightings of bats flying around your home at dusk.

Rats and Mice

Rodents are some of the most common urban wildlife pests. Both rats and mice can cause extensive damage by gnawing on materials, contaminating food supplies, and spreading diseases. They can enter homes through small holes and cracks. Indications of a rodent problem include droppings, gnawed materials, and nests made from shredded paper or fabric.


Opossums are scavengers that often look for food in garbage cans and compost bins. While generally not aggressive, they can still become a nuisance if they take up residence under your porch or in your garage. Signs of opossum activity include tracks, droppings, and overturned garbage cans.

Why Urban Wildlife Invades Homes

Urban wildlife invades homes primarily in search of food, water, and shelter. Human activity inadvertently provides these essentials. Easy access to garbage, pet food, and even bird feeders can attract these animals. Additionally, homes offer warmth and protection from predators, making them appealing nesting sites.

Food Sources

Garbage bins, compost piles, and outdoor pet food can attract a variety of wildlife. Ensuring these are secured can help reduce the likelihood of attracting pests.


Urban areas often lack natural habitats, so animals turn to man-made structures for nesting. Homes with accessible attics, basements, or crawl spaces provide ideal shelters.


Birdbaths, pet water bowls, and even leaky outdoor faucets can supply the water that wildlife needs to survive.

Preventing Wildlife Invasions

To prevent wildlife from invading your home, take proactive measures to secure your property.

Secure Entry Points

Inspect your home for potential entry points such as gaps in the eaves, roof vents, and chimneys. Seal these openings with appropriate materials like mesh or metal flashing.

Manage Food Sources

Keep garbage bins tightly sealed and avoid leaving pet food outside overnight. Consider using wildlife-proof compost bins.

Maintain Your Property

Trim tree branches that overhang your roof and remove any debris or wood piles from your yard. This reduces the likelihood of animals finding convenient access points or hiding places.

Use Deterrents

Motion-activated lights and sprinklers can help deter nocturnal animals. Ultrasonic deterrents and taste repellents can also be effective for some species. These may offer short-term relief. Keep in mind that these are not intended to be long-term solutions and we recommend consulting a professional.

Understanding urban wildlife and their behaviors is the first step in preventing and addressing infestations. By recognizing common pests like raccoons, squirrels, bats, rodents, and opossums, and taking steps to secure your home, you can minimize the risk of wildlife invasions. If you encounter a wildlife problem that is too challenging to handle on your own, consider seeking professional help to ensure safe and effective removal. Protect your home and enjoy peace of mind knowing you've taken the necessary steps to keep urban wildlife at bay.