a close up of a mosquito

When Does Mosquito Season End in Georgia?

September 10, 2018

We've all experienced it. Those itchy red bumps on our bodies, those flying bugs pestering us every second that we are outdoors. Yep… they're mosquitoes.

Nobody likes mosquitoes, and for good reason.

The Threat of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are more than just annoying, they are dangerous.

There are 176 known mosquito species in The United States, but luckily there are only three main species of mosquito in Georgia; the Aedes Mosquito, Culex Mosquito, and the Anopheles Mosquito.

Unfortunately, these three types of mosquitoes are just as dangerous as the others. They have been known to carry a number of diseases including; yellow fever, dengue fever, Chikungunya fever, West Nile virus, and malaria.

So far in 2018, there have already been 6 human cases, and 1 death, of West Nile virus in Georgia.

Human infections have been found in the following Georgia counties; Gwinnett, Fulton, Columbia, and Houston.

Georgia's Mosquito Season

You've probably noticed mosquitoes bothering you in the warmer days, unfortunately when it's most enjoyable to be outside. This is because mosquito season is dependent on the weather.

Mosquitoes generally start to become active when the temperature reaches 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Mosquitoes thrive in hot weather, which is why they are most bothersome during the summer.

This means that mosquitoes are likely to start becoming active around March or April in Georgia.

Mosquito season will begin to end for the year when the temperatures start dropping below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Non-hibernating mosquitoes will die off in the winter, and hibernating mosquitoes will find shelter in hollow logs or other locations that protect them from the uninhabitable conditions of the winter.

How to Prepare for Mosquito Season

It is better to prepare and prevent a mosquito problem, rather than to deal with a current mosquito problem.

Mosquitoes breed very quickly, so the longer that they are left to breed, the more difficult they will be to remove.

Here are some things you can do to mosquito-proof your property:

• Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes require standing water to breed, so you should eliminate any source of standing water. This could be from your pool, any overturned pots, fountains, buckets, yard equipment, tires, children's toys, clogged gutters, ditches or holes in your yard, etc. Anything that can collect water is a possible breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

• Seal Up Your Home: It is important to make sure all of your weather stripping and housing sealants are intact. Mosquitoes can enter your home through the smallest cracks in your windows, walls, or any part of your home's foundation. Once mosquitoes are inside your home it opens up entirely new avenues for breeding and makes the removal process even more difficult.

• Do Yard Work: Mosquitoes, and other bugs, like unkempt yards. The more rubbage that you have laying around in your yard, the more likely bugs are to inhabit it. Take the time to pick up your yard for any breeding or hibernating grounds for mosquitoes. This includes filling holes and ridding of debris.

Keeping Things in Check During Mosquito Season

Just because you have prepared during the colder months for mosquito season, doesn't mean you won't have to put effort in during mosquito season. You should stay on top of the advice listed above, making sure you continue to follow those steps during mosquito season as well.

Here's a list of things you should do during mosquito season to lower your chance of encountering mosquitoes in your yard:

• Put away, or cover, all water collecting objects when not in use.
• Be sure to check your yard after rainstorms to make sure there are no objects or sections of your yard that are collecting water.
• If you own a swimming pool, take care of it and treat it with the proper chemicals that should kill mosquitoes on their own.
• Use mosquito repellent sprays on your body.
• Use bug lights to make your home less attractive to mosquitoes at nighttime.

If you find yourself having a mosquito problem that you cannot handle, contact a pest control professional.

Breda Pest Management has been servicing the Southeast since 1975, and we know what it takes to treat your pest problems. We use the latest and greatest technology to make sure our services are effective and time efficient. To schedule a service, or request a free consultation contact us, or call us at 770-466-6700.