a tree in front of a house

What Professionals Look For in Household Termite Inspections

Termites cause billions of dollars in damage to homes each year. A primary reason for this is that many homeowners never have a termite inspection performed except during the home buying process. Termites don't wait for a new owner to move in to wreak havoc - they can swarm a home in a matter of weeks, so it's important to always be alert to the possibility of termites.

Warning Signs of a Possible Termite Infestation

There are three key warning signs of a termite infestation:

  1. Wood damage. Termites cause most of their damage by chewing through a home's wood. It's important to be aware of any irregularities in your exterior wood panels or window frames. Pay close attention if you see shavings or dust that are a telltale sign of chewing.
  2. Mud tubes. Termites don't like extreme temperatures, so they build mud tunnels to protect themselves in areas where they can't tunnel into your wood. These tubes are usually about the diameter of a pencil and will run between areas where termites are likely to be found.
  3. Seeing termites outside. You may see termites outside while you're gardening. This is fine if they're well away from your house. However, take extra caution if you use wooden barriers to line a garden along your home or have any other type of dead wood directly next to your home.

Termites expand their colonies between March and May when temperatures rise and rainfall increases, so make checking for termites part of your spring maintenance routine.

What the Pros Do During a Termite Inspection

When you conduct a visual inspection, you can only tell that there might be termites and you have no way of knowing the extent of an infestation, if there even is one. Wood damage could simply be from water, normal wear and tear or extreme weather and mud tubes could be created by other insects.During a professional termite inspection, the inspector will use advanced tools including infrared cameras, radar, thermal sensors and moisture sensors to scan for the heat signatures given off by termites and other pests. It works similarly to an X-ray, so there's no damage to your walls unless the initial inspection reveals that an area may have termites and needs to be treated.If you suspect termites in your home, it's better to be safe than sorry. Contact Breda Pest Management today to schedule an inspection.