a tree in front of a house

Roach Molts: A Respiratory Concern for Small Children and the Elderly

April 03, 2018

For most people, the mere mention of the word cockroach, let alone the sight of one, makes them sick. Did you know that cockroaches can actually make you physically ill? Upon other problems, cockroaches can cause health issues such as respiratory problems, like asthma, and trigger allergies. Cockroaches may not be as harmless as you think, so when you see them, be sure to take action.

How Do they Do It?

As cockroaches wander around your home, they're eating, breeding, molting and defecating. Their saliva, lost body parts, and droppings are just the right size to be lifted up into the air and inhaled into your lungs and onto your bronchial tubes, causing flare ups in asthma.

In 2014, the CDC reported that 8.6 percent of children and 7.4 percent of adults in the United States suffer from asthma. However, not only those with asthma are affected. If you don't suffer from asthma, this can cause allergic reaction symptoms such as stuffy nose, sinus infections, coughing, or wheezing.

Am I Really at Risk?

The National Pest Management Association reports that 63 percent of homes in the United States contain cockroach allergens. That number rises to between 78 and 98 percent of homes in urban areas.

Cockroach debris is a powerful allergen that people don't usually think about. As these cockroach allergens are picked up in the air and breathed into your lungs, they trigger a response from your immune system.

Now you may be experiencing symptoms of a cockroach allergy. This includes coughing, nasal congestion, skin rash, wheezing, ear infection, and sinus infection.

How do I Treat My Symptoms?

If you suspect you may have cockroach induced allergies or other illnesses, contact a doctor or an allergist immediately. Have them conduct a skin test and verify that you do in-fact have an allergy to cockroach remains.

If you are diagnosed with a cockroach allergy, you may be prescribed an over the counter medication, or given allergy shots in an effort to lessen the severity of your allergy.

How Can I Prevent This From Happening?

The most effective way to avoid this whole mess is to get rid of your own mess. Stop this from becoming a possibility by cleaning your house and making it a cockroach free safe haven.

Cockroaches are looking for food, water, and dark place to hide out. Make your home as undesirable to cockroaches as you possibly can. Here are a few easy steps to making your home the last place a roach wants to visit.

· Clean your home. Wipe off countertops and sweep, mop, and vacuum your floors so that any food crumbs or tasty morsels aren't left out beckoning roaches over.

· Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink. Food and water in one place…? A cockroaches dream come true!

· Declutter! Get rid of stacks of paper, cardboard, and books. Not only do they eat these products, but they love to hide out in these places and lay eggs.

· Put your food away in sealed containers, and make sure your trash is sealed properly. Any aromas from food left out, or coming out of your trashcan can entice roaches into your home.

· Make sure the weatherstipping on your home is properly intact, and fill any cracks, crevices, or holes that might be allowing roaches and other bugs easy access to your home.

· Eliminate any excess moisture in your home, and fix any leaks that may be providing roaches with a water source.

What if the Problem is out of My Control?

If you have tried all of the above tips and are still having problems you may have an infestation that needs professional help. If you believe you may have a serious problem, or infestation, leave it to the professionals. Worry about treating your allergy symptoms and let us worry about getting rid of your roach problem.