a tree in front of a house

5 Facts Homeowners Should Know About House Mice

The sound of scurrying feet, the trail of debris, the distinct musty smell most of us have come to be familiar with — this is what house mice are known for. Mice are natural survivalists, miniature foragers that are capable of going to great lengths to seek food and shelter. Because of this, they're incredibly adept, elusive, and difficult to get rid of. Here are 5 interesting facts about house mice:


1. They can generate an internal water supply

Did you know that if forced, mice can generate an internal water supply that allows them to live for extended periods without access to an external supply? Their natural dehydration counter-mechanism is something mankind would be happy to emulate.

2. They love cockroaches

Cockroaches are considered a delicacy to mice; so much that they will feed on roaches that are stuck to glue traps. A two-pronged extermination approach must be taken into consideration for homes where both pests are present. Failure to eliminate your roach threat will result in an endless source of food for the mice, further worsening your rodent problems.

3. They travel in and out of your house

One common misconception about house mice is that once inside, they will live exclusively in the interior of your home. In reality, these pests frequently travel back and forth between indoor and outdoor areas. As long as their entry/exit point remains unblocked, mice will come and go as they please, likely bringing more of their friends back with them!

4. They're great climbers

As you are probably aware, mice make great climbers. Their feet offer incredible grip, which is why you should always check high spaces (e.g. shelving, rafters and above suspended ceilings) in addition to low areas. In other words, there are few places where a house mouse cannot or will not go. If they sense that food or shelter is near, little can hinder their curiosity. 

5. They're nocturnal

Mice are also nocturnal animals, meaning they spend most of their daytime hours sleeping or laying dormant, waiting until dusk to forage. An expert tip to spotting these critters is waiting for the sun to set. You may be surprised at how many are living in your house, so be prepared for the worst. Furthermore, detection during the daytime is a strong indicator that an infestation is present. Like roaches and most other pests, mice prefer to remain isolated from human interaction. If you suspect a problem, contact a local pest control company as soon as soon as possible.