a tree in front of a house

Bugs & Warm Weather: What to Expect?

Your family and pets aren’t the only ones enjoying the warm weather during the summer—pests do, too! Warm conditions offer bugs a prime opportunity to live up to their name: To bug you.

Though many bugs are beneficial to the environment, many carry diseases and require controlling. If your home’s inside and outside areas suddenly experience a creepy crawler invasion, don’t fret. The professionals are here to help contain the problem: pests pestering you.

Why Bugs Love Summer

Just like humans, bugs are most active during the months of June, July and August. Insects are cold-blooded, which means cold weather places them in a dormant stage. A handful of insects actually go as far as hibernating during the frigid months. During these colder months, their activity and reproduction rate decreases. Once temperatures drop to 50 degrees F and below, they seek out winter shelter. Therefore, you will see less activity both indoors and outside.

Once summer hits (bringing with it warm temperatures and humidity) all sorts of insects spring back to an active life. The weather makes vegetation grow faster, which in turn creates ample food and shelter sources for the pests. This makes populations grow faster. Summer is when pet owners start the frustrating process of trying to control large outbreaks of fleas, ticks and other tiny bloodsuckers that may be feeding and living off of their cats and dogs.

Let it Rain

Summer brings rain in many areas. This makes your home a shelter for some uninvited guests. Bug activity is likely to increase inside of the home, as they seek out shelter from the wet conditions outdoors. You might see a rise in insects such as ants and cockroaches as they slip through any crack they can find to keep warm and dry. Termites also love the warm and wet conditions, so you might notice signs of these wood-eating pests. An average termite colony can eat a 2x4 completely in as little as six months, so be extremely aware of these pesky critters as they could do serious damage to your house. Outdoors, mosquitoes are at their peak, nesting in any container that holds even an inch of water. Be diligent in your backyard with eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Make sure to check bird baths, pet bowls, playground equipment, etc. on your property for standing water that mosquiotoes could use for reproduction.

Bugs, Bugs & More Bugs—Oh My

Sanitation is always a homeowner’s first step towards preventing bugs. This includes keeping outdoor areas clean, emptying vessels holding water, and keeping the grass and weeds controlled. Make sure not to leave any food out once you are done eating and to seal packaged food. Food that is left out practically invites all types of pests into your home to feast on your groceries. Keeping your indoor spaces tidy, and sealing any cracks or openings into the house also helps control pest problems. 

Often times in the summer months, pest populations get too big to handle them on your own. If you fall in this category, feel free to contact Breda Pest Control for help.