Proactive measures you can take against wildlife infestations this fall
You know your house better than anyone, which makes you its strongest line of defense when wildlife infestations happen. The next time you hear that strange sound from the attic or see those frayed-looking wires near your HVAC system, don't dismiss it! Here are some ways you can help identify and prevent wildlife infestations in your home.
Rodent droppings found in attic insulation
Houses settle and things creak, but don't be quick to dismiss a strange noise when you hear one. Houses don't click, scratch, or pitter-patter. If you're hearing suspicious noises and they're coming from your attic, it's likely you have a furry intruder. Every once in a while, you may hear scurrying sounds on your roof and that's normal. However, if you're hearing those noises regularly and with increased frequency, your roof may be serving as an entry point for wildlife trying to find a warm shelter inside your house.
It's almost time to pull down those holiday decorations! If you've avoided your attic all summer (completely understandable!), take a few minutes to inspect the space while you're up there getting decorations. Check for disturbed insulation, like mounds that might be serving as nests or tamped down trails that might indicate regular critter traffic. Carefully inspect your HVAC ductwork for any holes or tears. Those ducts can often be compromised by chewing pests who want to find a different way to travel around their new winter home. Check any wiring that may be present in your attic, especially around your HVAC unit. Rodents have an uncontrollable urge to chew, and those wires provide the relief their constantly growing teeth are seeking.
Wildlife entry point chewed into a roof line
Leave it to the pros
As the homeowner, it is invaluable that you keep tabs on any strange noises or sights that occur in your house's attic. After that, it is often smarter and safer for you to call in professionals to handle any wildlife infestations. Attics are a potentially dangerous environment to navigate, and pest management technicians have training to keep them safe while clearing out any wildlife.
Wildlife removal professionals also know exactly how to remove wildlife so that they are completely removed from a house. Pests that enter an attic to nest and reproduce are much easier to remove before they have their young. Once they have offspring, maternal instinct kicks in and makes extraction much more difficult.
When removing wildlife pests, it is also crucial to ensure that you have completely removed all of them before you seal up any entry points. If an animal suddenly can't get out the same way it had been coming in, they will panic and find or make a new way outâ¦which means more hassle and expense for you.
If you're tired of wondering what the pests in or around your home are doing and just want them gone, don't hesitate to give us a call. The BREDA Guarantee promises to protect your home and keep it protected—no matter the circumstances. Schedule an inspection online or give us a call at 770-466-6700.